Here’s a diy NASUGBU budget travel guide blog covering Tali Beach, Calayo Beach, Bituin Cove, fortune Island, Mt. Batulao, and more! With sample diy NASUGBU ITINERARIES and summary of expenses to help you prepare for your trip.
If Batangas were Westeros, Nasugbu would be the North.
It’s vast, the largest municipality in Batangas. It’s wild; much of its territory is still in its natural, undeveloped state, fringing Mt. Palay-Palay national Park and four marine protected areas. and it’s located in, well, the north. In fact, it straddles the northernmost edges of the province.
But the similarities stop there. Nasugbu isn’t a frozen land about to be invaded by wildlings or white walkers. like much of the country, it is a tropical paradise that has so much to offer to beach-lovers and mountain climbers alike.
Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?
WHERE TO stay IN NASUGBUNasugbu beach Resorts and Hotels
Nasugbu houses for Rent
Search for more: Nasugbu Resorts
HOW TO get TO NASUGBUManila to Nasugbu by Public Transportation
Manila to Nasugbu by private Car
Nasugbu Bus terminal to the Beaches
PLACES TO check out IN NASUGBUFortune Island
Calayo Beach
Pulo Island (Loren Island)
Bituin Cove (Angara Cove)
Kayraang Cove
Tali Beach
Layag-layag Beach
Caleruega Chapel
Mt. Batulao
WHERE TO eat IN NASUGBUKainan sa Dalampasigan
El Cocinero by chef Arnaldo
Fortune Island Day tour Itinerary
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhen is the best time to check out Nasugbu?
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Nasugbu is no stranger to all things big. It is one of the largest municipalities in Batangas in terms of land area, population, and history. It is also home to central Azucarera Don Pedro, one of biggest sugar producers in the Philippines. but there’s one more thing that it can boast: it is also big on natural wonders.
Nasugbu’s town center is set in an agricultural plain, but much of the municipality’s terrain is crumpled with mountains, concealing dozens of pristine coves at their feet. some of these coves are occupied by privately owned exclusive villages and clubs like the Hamilo Coast, Punta Fuego, and Tali beach Subdivision. In order to get access to these beaches, you would need to know someone inside or book a house or villa. Fortunately, Nasugbu isn’t only for the rich and powerful. many public beaches harbor fishing settlements and mid-range resorts that are open to anyone.
Nasugbu mountains, beaches, and reefs. photo by Vins Carlos
Here are more things you need to know about Verde Island:
Language: Tagalog. Dialect: Batangas Tagalog. Although Batanguenos can converse with people from Manila, they use certain words that Manilenos will probably not understand.
Currency: Philippine peso (PHP, ₱). PHP100 is around USD1.92, EUR 1.56, SGD2.52 (as of April 2018).
Modes of payment: cash is preferred! Some establishments in the town center accept credit card payments. If you’re beach-bound, withdraw cash while you’re still in the poblacion area where banks and ATMs are aplenty.
Connectivity: Both smart and globe have strong LTE data signal in the town proper. but both get spotty at best in remote barangays like Calayo and Papaya.
Electricity Info: 220V, 60Hz. Socket type A, mostly.
As mentioned earlier, Nasugbu is huge. Where you should stay depends on what attraction in particular you would like to see. For example, if you’d like to see fortune Island, you can go camping on the island itself or stay in the town proper. If it’s Loren Island, find a resort in Calayo Beach. For Layag-layag Beach, Brgy. Papaya is the most ideal.
There are four main types of accommodations in Nasugbu:
Resorts or hotels. These are the usual accommodations. Tiedät tämän.
Rented houses. because much of Nasubu’s jagged coast is occupied by exclusive villages, access is restricted to residents and their guests. most of these properties are just “rest houses,” which means the owners don’t really stay there. Some owners rent them out to tourists, who are then given access to the beaches and features. Some examples of this arrangement are Pico Sands hotel and Tali beach Subdivision.
Homestays. In public beaches like in Calayo and Papaya, there are locals renting out rooms in their homes to tourists for a small fee.
Camp sites. beaches like Bituin Cove (Angara Cove), Layag Layag Beach, and fortune Island all allow campers to pitch tents for a fee.
Anyway, here are some options you may consider.
Nasugbu beach Resorts and Hotels
Canyon Cove hotel & Spa. image provided by Agoda.
Canyon Cove hotel and Spa. Wawa. check rates & Availability.
Pico Sands Hotel. Brgy. Papaija. check rates & Availability.
Pamana beach Resort. Brgy. Calayo. check rates & Availability.
Calayo green Terraces. Calayo Beach. Inquire here.
Nasugbu houses ftai vuokrata
Forest Cove Beach House. Kuva, jonka on toimittanut Agoda.
Forest Cove Beach House. Natipuan. Voi mahtua jopa 16 PAX: ta. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus.
Hillcrest -talo Tali Beachillä. Voi mahtua jopa 9 Paxia. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus.
Etsi lisää: Nasugbu Resorts
Kuinka päästä Nasugbuun
Manila Nasugbuun julkisella liikenteellä
Jos olet tulossa Manilasta, voit käydä linja -autolla Nasugbulle kahdessa paikassa:
DLTBCO-linja-autopääte LRT-Buendiassa. Terminaali on lähellä Gil Puyat LRT -asemaa Taft Avenuen ja Buendian (Gil Puyat Avenue) kulmassa.
BSC-väylän pääte Edsa-Taft Pasayssa. Sijaitsee MRT Taft -aseman (EDSA) vieressä, aivan McDonaldsin takana. BSC tarkoittaa Batangas Starexpress Corporationia.
Matka-aika: 3-4 tuntia.
Hinta: Noin P160
Jos määränpääsi on Caleruega -kappeli tai Mt. Batulao, sinun ei tarvitse mennä koko kaupunkiin. Voit pyytää pudotusta lähellä rajaa. Kerro vain kuljettajalle, jonka aiot Caleruegaan tai Mt. Batulaolle, ja he ilmoittavat sinulle, kun on aika tulla.
Manila Nasugbuun yksityisellä autolla
Jos ajat Manilasta, voit viedä minkä tahansa näistä reiteistä.
Via Cavitex. Tämä on vähemmän kulkenut tie. Tämä johtaa sinut Antero Sorianon moottoritielle Kawitin, Tansan, Naicin ja Ternaten yli. Sitten ajat Mt. Palay Palayn kansallispuiston (lähellä Pico de Loroa) ja Kaibiangin tunnelin läpi, joka on Filippiinien pisin maanalaisen maantietä. Saavut Brgyyn. Papaya Nasugbussa sitten Brgy. Calayo. Jos pysyt tällä tiellä (Nasugbu-Chated Highway), pääset lopulta Nasugbu-kaupunkiin.
Emilio Aguinaldo -moottoritiellä, joka kulkee IMU: n, Dasmarinasin ja Silangin läpi.
Slexin kautta (South Luzon Expressway). Ota Santa Rosa poistu ja pysy STA: lla. Rosa-Tagaytay Road sitten Tagaytay-Nasugbu Roadilla. (Voit myös ottaa Eton City- tai Greenfield City -tapahtumat välttääksesi liikenneruuhkia Sta. Rosa.)
Kahden viimeisen vaihtoehdon aikana leikkaat Tagaytayn ja Alfonson yli, kunnes osut Batangas-Cavite-rajaan. Tiedät, että se on raja, kun osut haarukkaan. Vasen tie johtaa Lemeryyn, oikeaan Nasugbuun. Oikealla tiellä on kaari, jolla on iso ass “Welcome to Nasugbu” -merkki. Et kaipaa sitä.
Nasugbu -linja -autopääte rannoille
Jos otat bussin ja määränpääsi on ranta, voit ottaa kolmipyörän. Kaikkikeskuksen lähellä, hinnan ei saisi ylittää P50: tä. Mutta jos olet menossa brgyyn. Calayo tai Brgy. Papaya, valmistaudu vuotamaan vähintään P300. Se on täysin perusteltua, koska he ovat hyvin kaukana ja voivat viedä yli 45 minuuttia.
Paikat tarkistaa Nasugbussa
Fortune Island
Fortune Island. Kuva: Glenn Ituriaga.
Fortune Island oli aikaisemmin yksityinen saari, jolla oli yksinoikeudella ylellinen lomakeskus. Mutta ylellisen lomakohteen ylläpitäminen ilman makean veden lähdettä on vaikeaa ja kallista. Ylellisyyttä ei voida juoda. Näin ollen se lopetti toimintansa vuonna 2006. Yksi huomattava muistutus sen loistosta seisoo saaren kalkkikivikallion yläpuolella merelle – Grecian pylväät ja patsaat.
Fortune Island on yleensä kivinen ja lyhyt hiekka. Se on nyt suosittu leiriläisten ja auringon palvojien keskuudessa, mutta se oli pisin aikanaan parhaiten pidetty salaisuus sukeltajien keskuudessa. Saarta ympäröi haaksirikkojen sukelluspaikat, kuten Hollannin sotalaiva Mauritius, joka upposi 14. joulukuuta 1600.
Lue lisää: Fortune Island
Calayo Beach
Calayo Beach. Kuva Vins Carlos.
Calayo Beach on julkinen ranta, joka on vuorattu useilla taloilla ja budjetissa keskitason lomakohteisiin. Täällä oleva hiekka ei ole mahtava. Se on hieno, mutta se on lähempänä vaaleanruskeaa kuin valkoista. Mutta se on hyppypiste paremmille rannoille, kuten Pulo Island, Kayraang Cove ja Bituin Cove (katso tämän luettelon seuraavat 3 tuotetta), jotka ovat tärkeimmät syyt, miksi olemme ensinnäkin Calayossa.
Ympäristömaksu: P20
Pysäköintimaksu: P50 päivä, P100 yön yli
Saaren hyppäämistä varten voit ottaa yhteyttä veneimieseen, joka kiertää meitä ympäri. Hän oli erittäin ystävällinen. Hän sopi myös kaikki pyyntömme.
Kuya Marvin
Yhteysnumero: 09482543131
Kapasiteetti: jopa 12Pax
Hinnat: P1500 Pulo Islandille, lisäp500 Bituin Covelle ja Kayraang Covelle
Jos joudut käyttämään tiloja, kuten vessat ja pöydät (tai jopa uima -altaat), voit yöpyä lomakeskuksessa päivän matkustajana. Esimerkiksi Calayo Green Terraces sallii päiväretkien maksun. Tässä ovat hinnat:
Sisäänpääsymaksu: P250 Aikuinen, P150 10 -vuotias lapsi tai alle
Teltta pöytällä: P1000
Mökki: P1500-P2500
Pulo Island (Loren Island)
Loren Island. Kuva Vins Carlos.
Tarpeeton, tiedän. Paikalliset kutsuvat sitä Pulo-Puloksi, mutta turistit tietävät tämän nimellä Pulo Island tai Loren Island. Jep, Loren kuten Loren Legarda, joka veneemme mukaan omistaa tämän paratiisin. Se sijaitsee vain 20 minuutin päässä Calayo Beachistä. Täällä oleva hiekka ei ole valkoinen tai hieno, se on parhaimmillaan beige ja kippas, mutta se tarjoaa silti upean saaren paeta. Saarella on kaksi rantaa ja mikä näyttää hiekkapalkilta, joka linkittää toiseen kiviseen saarekkeeseen.
Sisäänpääsymaksu: P25
Bituin Cove (Angara COVe)
Bituin Cove. Kuva Vins Carlos.
Said to be owned by Sen. Edgardo Angara, this short strip of sand and shingles is a rising camping destination just 20 minutes away from Calayo Beach. You can stay overnight or check out as part of an island hopping tour.
Sisäänpääsymaksu: P25
Kubo Rental: P300
Tent Rental: P300
Camping Fee: P100
Kayraang Cove
Also in Brgy. Calayo, this pristine stretch is testament to the natural resources that Nasugbu possesses. According to our boatmen, it is now owned by Henry Sy. Boatmen are no longer allowed to dock or moor their boats on the beach but they can still take passengers to the cove provided that they stay in the water. It’s no problem because the water here is so shallow.
This is one of our favorite spots in Nasugbu. Not many people know about this, and it’s not usually part of island hopping tours, so we had the place to ourselves during our visit. Although we didn’t get to set foot on the beach, we were still treated to a quiet, relaxing, alone time in the water.
Tali Beach
One of the most well-known attractions in Nasugbu, Tali beach has long been a summer favorite in Batangas. aside from the beach, one can also enjoy its cliff-jumping spot. However, because it’s part of a private subdivision, access to it is restricted only to residents, homeowners and their guests. You must know someone inside to get in.
It’s easy to find a way though. You can simply rent a house for a night. I also found an agency that takes visitors on a day tour to the beach.
Layag-layag Beach
Located in Brgy. Papaya, Layag-layag beach is also starting to get the attention of weekend warriors from Manila. You can go camping and snorkeling here.
Ympäristömaksu: P20
Caleruega Chapel
More casually called Caleruega, the Transfiguration chapel isn’t really historic, but it is one of the most picturesque, making it one of the most popular wedding venues and retreat destinations in the region. Perched on top of a garden-adorned hill, it offers a spectacular view of the Batangan countryside, with Mt. Batulao dominating the landscape.
Mt. Batulao
I haven’t tried climbing this (and given my current figure, I won’t be trying anytime soon, haha). but it’s a favorite among first-time climbers. According to my pal and teammate Asta though, it can be challenging for beginners. One thing is for sure though, this is one heck of a picturesque peak. “Her beauty makes the exhausting climb worth it,” she said.
The streets of Nasugbu town proper is flanked with carinderias (low-cost eateries) and fast food options, so it’s not hard at all to find a low-cost but filling meal. We even had Angel’s Burger for dinner once, haha. I ordered their Hungarian sausage sandwich, P44. Nag-crave lang bigla.
But if you want to try a place that you can only experience in Nasugbu, I recommend these:
Kainan sa Dalampasigan
First of all, there is no view of the sea. just getting it out there this early because the name of the place sort of implies that. but despite that, Kainan sa Dalampasigan is still a delightful seafood restaurant. This authentic Batangueno gastronomic paradise lies in a lush garden that allows visitors a quick but memorable moment with nature. It’s an oasis in the middle of a rapidly developing town.
It’s best known for their Bilao sa Dalampasigan, which is a platter of four of their bestsellers: baked tahong (mussels), garlic shrimps, daing na bangus (milkfish), and grilled pork. The first time I was here, an order costs P550. Now, it’s P990. If the serving size or the price is too steep for you, I recommend going for the baked mussels alone. It’s definitely the best among the quartet.
El Cocinero by chef Arnaldo
This wasn’t part of our original itinerary. We were on the way home when we passed by this place and decided to give it a try. From the outside, it doesn’t look much. but this unassuming restaurant has that prov